Q_Why do guys find it the best compliment they’ve ever heard when you tell him he’s got a big penis?
A_When you mention how big his penis is during sex, what you’re really saying is, “I can work with this.” Who doesn’t like the sound of that? Throughout our adult life, we’ve been sized up to porn actors gifted with larger than average “tools.” We want to make sure we’re turning you on, and that hot sex talk is assurance.
Q_My FWB wants to finish on my face. How do I tell him no?
A_Anytime you want to say no or let someone down easy, humor is the way to go. “Facials from a salon are more my speed.” The idea was probably planted from watching porn. Have to give him points for trying something new though. Try to offer alternative directions that you’re comfortable with.
Q_So, a have a friend of mine—who I happen to work with—I’ve liked him for a while now and want to see where things go. I found out he’s talking to someone else. How do I go about this without creating an issue at work?
A_Work relationships are very touchy and that saying, “don’t sh*t where you eat,” holds more value than most realize. The answer is pretty clear if he’s interested in pursuing something more. Take this as a sign that you need to look for a potential boyfriend outside of your job. I have a friend who slept with one of her coworkers. It went south and regrets doing it as tension has been created. Just don’t do it!
Menology Report — MARCH 2019
CATCH & RELEASE |verb| When someone puts effort into pursuing you until they “catch” you. But as soon as you finally agree to a date, they lose complete interest in favor of a new target.
SHIRTLESS | JUST UNDERWEAR — Comfort is key for him. He’s a down to earth kind of a guy who prefers to cuddle than showing off.
NAKED — Screams confidence! A very chill guy since colder temps mean better sleep.
BRIEFS | TANKS TOPS — This bro is proud of his body and wants to be admired in the bedroom. Drop hints that you enjoy the view.